This is a subject near and dear to us since we have both been supporters of farmers markets wherever we have lived. It is yet another topic (not surprising that it is centered around good food!) that we bonded over early in our friendship. We’ve been lucky to have access over the years to such amazing markets that allowed us to shop for wonderful local ingredients and products, but also gave us opportunities for learning and inspiration. Farmers Markets also offer such a great way to engage in our communities. We have both volunteered at markets and have found it to be very rewarding.
How does shopping at the farmers market fit in with meal planning? Depending on what is in season or when you get to the market, you may not always find exactly what you need, but you can rely on the farmers market for simple side dishes or desserts. Plan your main dishes around your regular shopping, but allow for some flexibility either with the side dishes or a night or two of the week for what you might find at the market. If your local market has a good variety of vendors, you will probably be able to find locally raised chicken, beef, or pork that will work into your planning. Depending on the vendor, you may be able to contact them directly ahead of time to reserve something that you will need.
Why shop at a farmers market?
- Education: Get to know where your food is coming from. It is an opportunity to learn from, and engage with the vendors about their products. At most markets, the vendors are the farmers that grew or raised the food. They know intimately about the products and are a wealth of information. Ask them about how to use the ingredients, about their experiences, or about relevant food issues Every week we go to the market we learn something new.
- Seasonality: Buy produce and fruits that are in season in your area. It is always wonderful to mark the passing of the weeks during spring and summer by what fruits and vegetables are available at the market. Shopping at larger grocery stores can often distort any sense of seasonality. To check out what is in season in your area, check out Field to Plate’s website.
- Inspiration: Find ingredients or products that inspire you to try something new. If you aren’t sure how to use something, ask the vendors how they use it. Often they will have great ideas and recipes.
- Involve your kids: Granted it may take you longer to get through the market with kids in tow, but if you have the chance to take your kids, it is a great way to educate them and include them in meal planning. There are lots of fun things to see and learn about. If they are old enough, let them help you choose products. Many markets will also have fun activities for kids: check the information booth to find out about their events.
- Support and engage your community: You feel good about buying fresher, local products for your family, and also feel good about supporting vendors and farmers from your own community. The money you spend at the market will stay in your community. You will engage not only with the farmers and vendors, but with fellow shoppers who are also members of your community. If you do shop regularly at a market, or are looking for a way to become more engaged, consider volunteering at the market!
More and more farmers markets are sprouting up in communities so it is becoming easier to have access to local produce and products. Depending on where you live, markets may be year round, or have an indoor season for the winter. According to the USDA, there was a 52% increase in winter markets during 2012. Here are some great resources for general information on farmers markets or on how to find ones in your area:
- Local Harvest: Find a farmers market in your area, or a location to visit while traveling. They also have interesting articles and recipes are under their newsletter tab.
- USDA: The USDA also has a search engine for farmers markets.
- Farmers Market Coalition: A great resource for learning more about farmers markets.
Don’t forget to bring your own bags, and perhaps even an insulated one so you can buy perishables and keep them cool while you explore.
Happy shopping!